Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Welcome to the Museum!!!

Azrak Hamway Frankenstein
I decided to photograph my first piece in front of Kirk Hammett's book, Too Much Horror Business, because this is where I first discovered AHI Monsters.  (If you are a fan of horror collectibles and don't yet own this book, click the link now!)
These classic figures by Azrak Hamway could be found throughout the mid 1970's in drugstores and dime stores. The line, which ran from 1974 to '76 included Frankenstein, The Wolfman, Count Dracula, The Mummy,and the rarest figure, the Creature from the Black Lagoon and retailed for $1.96.  Today, in good, loose condition you can expect to pay over $100.  If you find one still on it's blister card, expect the price to go much higher depending on the figure.

The figure I have is one of the last in the line ('76).  Earlier versions included a sweater underneath the jacket and green limbs, instead of the flesh colored version here. (I still hope to hunt down an earlier version as I think the sweater looks better under the jacket, but the green limbed version has smaller hands and the dark green limbs do not look as good as this version.) A lot of these figures include repo jackets, pants, and boots.  Mine are original as far as I can tell.

The neck and back are stamped Hong Kong, while the jacket includes a tag.  I didn't find a tag on the pants or a stamp on the legs, however I didn't remove them all they way as I didn't want to damage the boots, which often split when taken on and off.

As cheaply as these figures were made, they may be the best action figures ever produced for the Universal Monsters.  The Frankenstein sculpt looks like Karloff. Next to my figure below, I've included a picture of the original packaging.  If you want to read more about this line, click on the packaged picture and it will take you to an excellent resource on these figures found on